
Our service offerings are built around helping you achieve your short and long-term goals through sustainable, measurable and targeted strategies and tactics. When working with Deadshot Digital, we will help you set the right goals and key performance indicators to understand what your online presence is doing and how to grow.

We don't promise to get you on Page One of Google, but we will help you become more relevant to make your site more findable to new clients, users or visitors.
Email Marketing
Email Marketing
Email Marketing is a great way to keep in touch with your existing community. Email is also the best way to take non-converts and share new products, services, and events to meet their interests in you.
Social Media
Social Media
Social Media Marketing is more than just putting up a profile and posting now and then. Social is about building a community of advocates, followers, and leads.
Usability & UX
Usability & UX
Website Optimization includes Usability, User Experience (UX), Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and Testing. We will look at your website flow and create a plan to get your site converting better than ever before.