Imagine if you will as a brick and mortar storefront, with a Wal-Mart-esque parking lot and sliding front doors that open as you walk up. When you step inside, what do you see? The Answer… the number of products available on Amazon could fill 1,290 Wal-Mart Supercenters. Lucky for us this infographic, courtesy of 500friends, helps put it all in.. read more →
The Death of Google TV Ads… will it be missed? In 2007 Google introduce the ability to buy television ads on cable stations like Fox News, ESPN and CNN; giving advertisers the ability to target up to 42 million households with and AdWords style ease. Fast forward to 2012 and Google TV Ads joins Google.. read more →
Reasons to Make the Jump to Google+ Now…. 20 of Them! As social media continues to grow and new networks continue to pop up we will continually be inundated with new places to share our pictures, videos, thoughts and products. Where Facebook is the undisputed king of social media at the moment, Google+ is primed.. read more →
iPads vs. Textbooks – Who ya got? On January 19th Apple made the announcement they were throwing their hat into the very lucrative textbook game with the launch of iBook 2 and iAuthor. There has been plenty written about this topic, from how Apple will make textbooks more accessible and offer a better learning experience.. read more →