Content Marketing is Here and Business is Booming

As Tradition forms of marketing start to fade out and new channels for marketers continue to pop up Content Marketing is more important than ever. Looking at the type of influence sites like Facebook, Google+ and now Pinterest, the content companies and brand cultivate for online and offline efforts are more important than ever.

While B2B marketing appears to be have the most impact with Content Marketing focusing on article posting, social media, blogs and in-person events. Simply having content is NOT enough, that content has got to be unique and exceptional. The days of just putting up a website or release a series of milk toast releases are over. The key to capitalizing on Content Marketing is having quality and engaging copy, graphics and video to be carried across all available channels.

Having portable content that will work offline, online and in mobile will keep you marketing funnel flush and full of interested and invested converts ready to buy what you are selling. Check out the posted Infographic and find out how you are currently using Content Marketing and how you can do it better.

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Brian Avatar– Brian (follow @briantudor on Twitter)
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Content Marketing Explosion Infographic