About Brian Tudor Brian Tudor

Brian Tudor is the CEO and Founder of Deadshot Digital, he has been marketing websites since the Internet was a fad. During his time in the digital world, he has worked on everything from managing Geocities communities to running digital marketing for national brands. Brian's passion for the web and how it can help brands, businesses, and individuals is matched by few in the space.

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Here are my most recent posts

Reasons to Make the Jump to Google+ Now…. 20 of Them! As social media continues to grow and new networks continue to pop up we will continually be inundated with new places to share our pictures, videos, thoughts and products. Where Facebook is the undisputed king of social media at the moment, Google+ is primed.. read more →

Do You Trust Your Phone NOT to Steal Your Data? As you probably read recently IBM had put the firewall down on what apps their employees can use on their personal device they use for work… you can find the link HERE. This comes from the fears that unsecure apps and tools will allow backdoor.. read more →

Marvel Pushing the Digital Envelope I know I’m a little late, but I wanted to share this great video I shot at SXSW of Marvel Comics first visit to Austin. They announced some pretty cool innovations to the world of comics and I can’t wait to see what the House of Ideas comes up with.. read more →

Do You Need a Twitter 12 Step Program? People like to joke about being addicted to a lot of things; chocolate, shoes, even cell phones. In this infographic we learn that the little blue bird may seem harmless enough, but are we on the verge of becoming a nation of insatiable Twitter junkies? Don’t forget.. read more →

Content Marketing is Here and Business is Booming As Tradition forms of marketing start to fade out and new channels for marketers continue to pop up Content Marketing is more important than ever. Looking at the type of influence sites like Facebook, Google+ and now Pinterest, the content companies and brand cultivate for online and.. read more →

iPads vs. Textbooks – Who ya got? On January 19th Apple made the announcement they were throwing their hat into the very lucrative textbook game with the launch of iBook 2 and iAuthor. There has been plenty written about this topic, from how Apple will make textbooks more accessible and offer a better learning experience.. read more →

More than ever I’m aware of how powerful content marketing works. Where traditional advertising is all about being in the right place at the right time over several interactions, content marketing allows a brand to be more dynamic. With a great content strategy you have a captive audience of several marketing channels, not just messaging.. read more →